Interactive Cases

This new interactive section exposes you to real-world scenarios that need to be solved using your existing theoretical knowledge and reasoning skills.

We advise that you work through the Core Principles and Ophthalmology in Practice sections of the website first before attempting these cases.

Case-based interactive education is not only fun, as you are more actively engaged in the process, but in addition often promotes higher levels of learning and better prepares students and healthcare professionals for clinical practice.

Authentic clinical cases have been chosen to highlight key learning points in the history, diagnosis and / or management of important clinical ophthalmic conditions.

The general format of each case is a short introduction to describe the presenting complaint and provide some other additional history. You then work through various questions and animations (or clinical images) as the scenario unfolds. Unlike quizzes elsewhere in the website there is no scoring system for the interactive cases, but by the end of each case a diagnosis has been established along with management discussion.

Each case finishes with a few key learning points and links (where appropriate) to the main website chapters for additional reading around the topic.

Further interactive clinical scenarios will be added in the near future.